Ad-Aware vs Trend Micro Anti Spyware
Being a first time user of this forum, i wonder if this question has ever been posed.... I am a regular user of Ad-Aware, and a friend told me about Trend Micro Anti Spyware. My question is... do these programs both do the same thing, or is it okay to run both of them on my system. I know this is not like running two firewalls ( a no no ), but not sure if these programs both catch the same type of problems. Excuse me if this has already been asked before, but doing a search on "Ad-Aware vs Trend Micro Anti Spyware" did not answer this question.
Just my$ 0.02
Running Adaware will proly catch 95% of malware
Running Spybot with it, might raise that to 98%
Running a third might raise that to 99.5%
IMHO, it's not worth it to have to run more than one peice of software, but I'm a 'software minimalist', so take it as you will...
Oh, and as for the question you asked: I think AdAware is better, despite being free... I also like Avast! Virus scanner ( better than any of the pay-for scanners.
Then get Spywareblaster
It is the best software because it blocks spyware from even entering your system.