Video card advice needed
Cedar Rapids, IA
I just built a 64 bit rig (Athlon 3000+) and installed BF2. It runs nice, but the video is just not what I'd hoped. It defaults to all settings at the lowest, and is very dark. As much as I hate to admit it, the GeForce 5500 I bought a month ago is just not going to cut it. I need to bite the bullet and buy a real video card. Ah, but which card??
I can stomach spending about $200, but not much more. I don't have any particular loyalty to ATI or NVidia, just want the most bang for my buck, and also some longevity. My mobo is a DFI NV3 Ultra D, AGP video. Running XP64, with a GB of memory. Welcome all suggestions, and the reasons for them!
I can stomach spending about $200, but not much more. I don't have any particular loyalty to ATI or NVidia, just want the most bang for my buck, and also some longevity. My mobo is a DFI NV3 Ultra D, AGP video. Running XP64, with a GB of memory. Welcome all suggestions, and the reasons for them!
Even though it is more bucks than you specified it is the best bang for yor your buck, period. Also, being a 256 bit interface part it will have greater longevity than anything else in the price range.
Sapphire 9800pro 128mb - $127
Sapphire 9800pro 256mb - $169
i change my suggestion to a 6800 non-ultra, 128mb, 256 bit for $194
or regular x800, 256mb, 256bit for $248
good, basic advice and prices.
I am looking also, there are choices. I am leaning toward a 6800. The fastest version that I can afford.
IMO, the 6600GT is far better in terms of "bang-per-buck".
Ill second that suggestion.