Battlefield 2 Retail Patch v1.01

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited July 2005 in Science & Tech
EA has released the first retail patch for Battlefield 2, upgrading the 3D multiplayer action sequel by Digital Illusions to v1.01.

Download: Battlefield 2 Retail Patch v1.01 (13.4MB)
-Patch v1.01

Fixed in issue that caused the Multiplayer Browser to become unresponsive.

Fixed an issue where some game controls were not available to be rebound
within the Options menu.

Fixed an issue with increasing performance degradation on servers.

Fixed a problem with shader caching on client/host : after the first map in a
rotation, shaders would be loaded on the fly during gameplay.

Fixed a crash with rebinding LMB

Fixed a problem that caused environment mapping to not appear on reflective

Fixed a crash that happened when a client picks up a kit that doesn't exist

Fixed a problem with AI when the game was paused for a long time: bots would
become unresponsive and also shoot more accurately.

LOD distances tweaked on certain objects.
Source: Filerush


  • NosferatuNosferatu Arizona
    edited July 2005
    The patch itself needs a patch to even get it installed. I needed to add an InstallDir entry to the BF2 key in the registry, apparently they don't think anyone would care to install the game anywhere but C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 2 (it's installed in F:\Battlefield 2 on my system). A friend of mine couldn't install it and had to copy the files extracted from the install file, then run the actual patch executable with the BF2 directory as a parameter. DICE (and EA) are really horrible companies compared to VALVe and Epic. BF2's GUI is the worst i have ever seen. Nothing is logically laid out or works intuitively. Making the 9 key your parachute by default? wtf? Making the enter key your team/class menu? wtf? Making 1 and 2 pick guns other than your rifle and handgun (respectively). wtf? The only thing they got right was WASD and Tab. The game itself is great though... it's just a pity it didn't have a better developer and publisher.
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited July 2005
    did this patch fix the problem people were having with getting drops to extremely low fps from time to time?
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited July 2005
    no is the answer to everything with this patch.

    it fixed nothing that I can see.
    it improved nothing that I can see.
    it took its sweet time to install being only 13 meg
    it did however install to my D:\battlefield 2 dir no problem.
  • NosferatuNosferatu Arizona
    edited July 2005
    Yeah, what was up with the patch showing the "Patching..." message for like 5 minutes? How hard is it to copy new files or modify old ones? It certainly shouldn't take more than a minute, if that.
  • JJ
    edited July 2005
    Your BF2 crashes to desktop when playing online??? LOOK THIS

    I've had crashes to desktop (in-game crashes, and after load map), but I've tryed to change Sound Hardware Acceleration and I've played all day without crash!!

    Try it
    "Start" then "Run" and write there "dxdiag"
    and disable "Sound Hardware Acceleration" in "Sound Tab"

    It work fine for me...
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