Computer is running WAY too!

Hi All,
Just for the hell of it I downloaded MBM5 to check the temps I'm running. Well much to my surprise my CPU was running 85+ and the Zone 2 temp was 70+
I downloaded Intel Active Monitor to double check and it said the same thing. I killed my two running FAH's and the temps dropped back down to the 50's. I immediately thought something must be wrong. So, I shut her down, cleaned the heatsink, put new paste, and added two fans (one to the front, one to the back) and rebooted. Note, my computer runs with no side panels on the case.
Now, my temps are running 46 CPU, 33 Zone 1, 40 Zone 2. When I start FAH it sends the CPU to 62+ and Zone 2 to 55+. Alarms go off, I stop FAH and the temps go back down.
So, obviously this computer is running WAAAAYYYY too hot. What can I do??
FYI, the CPU is an intel Pentium 4 3.2E Prescott 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 Cache Socket 478 Processor and the MB is Intel® Desktop Board D865GBF.
Just for the hell of it I downloaded MBM5 to check the temps I'm running. Well much to my surprise my CPU was running 85+ and the Zone 2 temp was 70+

I downloaded Intel Active Monitor to double check and it said the same thing. I killed my two running FAH's and the temps dropped back down to the 50's. I immediately thought something must be wrong. So, I shut her down, cleaned the heatsink, put new paste, and added two fans (one to the front, one to the back) and rebooted. Note, my computer runs with no side panels on the case.
Now, my temps are running 46 CPU, 33 Zone 1, 40 Zone 2. When I start FAH it sends the CPU to 62+ and Zone 2 to 55+. Alarms go off, I stop FAH and the temps go back down.
So, obviously this computer is running WAAAAYYYY too hot. What can I do??
FYI, the CPU is an intel Pentium 4 3.2E Prescott 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 Cache Socket 478 Processor and the MB is Intel® Desktop Board D865GBF.
Are you using the stock Heat Sink & HSF? I've been working on my Athlon64 temps lately and have done everything except replace the HSF. I've got the MB temp down to 87F (in a 78F room), so the next step for me will be to go right to the heart of the matter.
We've got some top cooling experts around here. Hopefully they'll weigh in with more specific advice than I can give.
You have one of the hottest running chips ever made. Chances are you are using the stock cooling that came with it. Probably the only way for you to lower those temps is to get a really good third party cooling solution onto that space heater.
I knew that... I just didn't *SAY* that. LOL
A couple years ago I spent a lot of time experimenting with different fan configurations. I found that with any amount of decent air exhaust at the rear of the case (the PSU fan is not enough) a side-panel fan blowing in directly over the CPU area works best. I did the same thing for my dads computer last Winter. He has his rig inside a compartment built into his computer desk and his Barton 2500+ was running about 62C. One 80mm fan on the side and another at the rear dropped his temps dramatically - as in about 10C. Your experience may vary due to the actual configuration of your case.
Of course, all the case cooling in the world is not going to help much if the heat is not being removed efficiently from the CPU.
Mine didn't have the thermal pad. When I installed it I used some paste that I got from Best Buy. Is this sufficient or should I buy some arctic silver?
I just tried that and the temps went up 5c each. I guess I'll leave it open for now until I get a new heatsink. I'm going to get a couple more fans for the case as well.
Those prescotts are incredably hot!. I do recall Intel's max temperature rating on those chips to be pretty forgiving. Somewhere in the range of 100C. I'd second the above recommendation for an XP90. You may want to get a higher flow fan as well to keep that sucker cool. A Panaflow 'Medium' would be my recommendation.
Would this fan be acceptable? I only ask because I have a few extra laying around from when I assembled some other computer.
EDIT: I'm guessing not since the Panaflo fan is 120mm and the air flow is significantly more.
You could certainly try, and see how it does before you purchase something else. 35cfm is decent, but you may want to go with a higher flow 92mm fan for the XP90.