Windows setup / startup failure: adpu160m.sys file corrupt

edited August 2010 in Hardware

I have a severe problem with my laptop. It was working fine yesterday, then I went to turn it on today and it is now stuck at the Windows start-up screen. I have a Compaq EVO N160 with XP SP2 installed.

I have tried running from CD, the set-up program runs until a message appears as follows:

“The file adpu160m.sys is corrupted”
“Press any key to continue”

I press any key and am told the setup failed and to press any key to restart

I have tried using the XP SP2 boot disks but to no avail. Also, I have tried starting in safemode, all options available in the Windows Advanced Options Menu restart the setup after scrolloing through system files it stops after agp440.sys. The only options that does something different is “Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)”, this goes to a blue background with a message “System is booting in safemode – Directory services repair” after about 20 seconds this also restarts the setup.

On one of the attempts I was asked to install the Automatic System Restore disk but I do not have one, so can’t.

I am now completely at a loss of what to do as this is beyond my level of knowledge :scratch::confused::scratch: . If anyone can give any help / suggestions / solutions I will be extremely grateful :thumbsup: .

Many thanks


  • edited December 2006
    A year after him I have the same problem and I can't do anything, I think the setup shows this message when it tries to load some IDE drivers. I have an original copy of windows and I also tried with different versions of it and it won'T work. adpu160m.sys corrupt. My disks are in FAT32, just formatted them with partitionmagic, but it was in ntfs before and didn't work so I don't think that's the problem. I hope you'll be able to help, thanks
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited January 2007
    I'd check for a virus if I were you. There is evidence that this error message may be related to that sort of thing. :)
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    I'd test the HDD, too to rule that out. Use a bootable diagnostic utility to run a surface scan of your HDD. (If you don't have one, let us know and we'll make recommendations for you...)
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah I would like to know what software would be the best I don't care the price since I was looking to buy one soon. And I also already formatted the drive so if I understand, it would be something on the HDD a bad sector or someting like that?? Thanks for the answers btw.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    It might be a bad sector, yes. You seem to have a spare PC, so I suggest downloading a copy of UBCD from HERE. Burn it to disc and run MEMTEST from the mainboard tools section, and Hitachi's Drive Fitness Test (DFT) from the HD tools section. That'll rule out the two most common culprits of copy issues almost immediately.
  • edited January 2007
    First I want to thank you all for your help and for your fast answers.

    As for UBCD, I tried it but when I start a tool within the cd, it tells me there were and error while decompressing, and for the two Thrax told me, it gets stuck to the line where it says it is booting... I think my hard drive is really corrupted, I even tried swithcing up the two of this computer without succes (inverting slave/master).

    Another question that may help me greatly, if I take the hdd that has the problem and if I plug it in as a slave drive in my other computer, will it damage it or there's no chance, if so should I boot in safe mode or anything? Because I could try an utility running under windows to try to repair the drive. Thanks again and sorry for my not-so-perfect english.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    Actually, when it decompresses those files to run the utilities, it decompresses them to memory! It doesn't put anything on the hard disk. I'd try swapping out your memory first.

    //EDIT: Slaving it to your other PC won't harm anything. Safe mode is advisable just to make it a simple process, but it's not a big deal. Don't feel the drive is damaged in this case, however.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    First I want to thank you all for your help and for your fast answers. As for UBCD, I tried it but when I start a tool within the cd, it tells me there were and error while decompressing, and for the two Thrax told me, it gets stuck to the line where it says it is booting... I think my hard drive is really corrupted, I even tried swithcing up the two of this computer without succes (inverting slave/master)...Another question that may help me greatly, if I take the hdd that has the problem and if I plug it in as a slave drive in my other computer, will it damage it or there's no chance, if so should I boot in safe mode or anything? Because I could try an utility running under windows to try to repair the drive. Thanks again and sorry for my not-so-perfect english.

    Your English is quite good, benlondon. You're doing just fine.

    Re: Diagnostic utilities for testing your memory & HDD:
    If you're unable to get the UBCD working for you, you can go here to get MEMTEST86.
    and here for Hitachi Drive Fitness Test

    As Thrax stated, the problem may not be your HDD. It may well lie w/ your memory. An indicator that there may be a memory problem is the fact that the UBCD diags did not extract to memory properly.

    Run MEMTEST86 1st. (do a nice long run) then - if the memory diagnostics pass w/ no errors - move on to trouble-shooting your HDD.

    Re: Testing your HDD:
    Since it is a laptop HDD, you will need to install the HDD into an external laptop HDD "enclosure". (You cannot slave a 2nd HDD internally in a laptop (or desktop for that matter)) You can find these enclosures for both IDE and SATA laptop HDDs. The enclosure will connect to your desktop (or other laptop) computer via an USB cable. By all means, do that if you can. You'll have more options for diagnosing, repairing and, most importantly, recovering your data if you have the drive connected to a different computer as a secondary drive.

    If you're able to connect the HDD to a different computer (externally), then the 1st thing I recommend you do is get your data copied off of the drive b-e-f-o-r-e you perform any diagnostics on it. If a drive is failing, you may have limited opportuny to recover data b4 it fails completely. In any case, it's a good rule of thumb to always safeguard your data 1st - then work on fixing the problem.
  • edited January 2007
    Just found the problem for UBCD, one of my RAM was completely unusable.... Now I'll run the tests and try windows again, thanks.
  • PterocarpousPterocarpous Rosie the Riveter Lives On in CA, USA! New
    edited January 2007
    Just found the problem for UBCD, one of my RAM was completely unusable.... Now I'll run the tests and try windows again, thanks.

    :celebrate Woooo! Woooo! Good job Neverminder. Your HDD will probably be fine but it's not a bad idea to test it, too.

    Be sure to run the MEMTEST86 on new memory that you install as well.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2007
    I thought it was RAM. :) Good luck in the remaining tests.
  • edited October 2008
    benlondon wrote:

    I have a severe problem with my laptop. It was working fine yesterday, then I went to turn it on today and it is now stuck at the Windows start-up screen. I have a Compaq EVO N160 with XP SP2 installed.

    I have tried running from CD, the set-up program runs until a message appears as follows:

    �The file adpu160m.sys is corrupted�
    �Press any key to continue�

    I press any key and am told the setup failed and to press any key to restart

    I have tried using the XP SP2 boot disks but to no avail. Also, I have tried starting in safemode, all options available in the Windows Advanced Options Menu restart the setup after scrolloing through system files it stops after agp440.sys. The only options that does something different is �Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)�, this goes to a blue background with a message �System is booting in safemode � Directory services repair� after about 20 seconds this also restarts the setup.

    On one of the attempts I was asked to install the Automatic System Restore disk but I do not have one, so can�t.

    I am now completely at a loss of what to do as this is beyond my level of knowledge :scratch::confused::scratch: . If anyone can give any help / suggestions / solutions I will be extremely grateful :thumbsup: .

    Many thanks

    I had the same problem. At the beginning of set up it asks if you have drive to manually install, if so, hit f6. You need to hit f6 and install the XP h70 driver (using a floppy). If you can't find the driver, hit f7 to bypass this so it won't search for this driver. You can google for the drive and just download it on to floppy. I did this and it resolved my problem and system is working like a charm now. Good Luck!
  • edited August 2010
    Replacing memory worked for me. I also had to detach my slave hard drive to install XP. Thought I should share my success.
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