My first REAL case mod hope you all like

edited July 2005 in Hardware
Here are some pictures of the first steps of my soon to be kickass P3 mod.

Here i am after cutting the hole filing it down with this thingy ^^

Here are the circles Ive laid out ready to be cut ^^^^

here i am deburring and sanding down the edges ^^^

read above title

here are the holes all cut out ^^

and there is the sorta finished project ^^^

; )

hope you all like it
ill post more pics as it develops

tommorow: lights fans and all the fun stuff

green led fans
green ccfl's
some biohazard fan grills
some black spraypaint
some more fans
and some sleeving
and some molex replacements
and some acrylic


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited July 2005
    Looks like you're off to a great start. Can't wait to see it with all the bling-bling going. :D
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    Looks good... Not up to Bob Villa though... no pictures regarding safety glasses and gloves... but then again, Bob Villa doesn't like to do REAL work anyway. ;D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited July 2005
    QCH2002 wrote:
    ...Not up to Bob Villa though... no pictures regarding safety glasses and gloves...
    And no incessant pimping of Sears. :vimp:
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited July 2005
    Nice work! welcome to the dremmel club :buck:

    Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  • edited July 2005
    actually no dremel used in the making of this mod

    all done with filing bits, a drill press, and a jigsaw with some files as well

    but yeah im gonna be heading out in about an hour to pick up a bunch of stuff from

    should be fun

    maybe ill try booting her up later today
    still havent turned it on since i bought it
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited July 2005
    QCH2002 wrote:
    Looks good... Not up to Bob Villa though... no pictures regarding safety glasses and gloves... but then again, Bob Villa doesn't like to do REAL work anyway. ;D

    haha i noticed and told him that too!! No saftey goggles! lol
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited July 2005
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited July 2005
    andrew - post the other updated pictures
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