Overclocking Video Cards

mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
edited July 2005 in Hardware
So its been awhile and I havent heard much about it...whats the best program for overclocking my Abit X700 Pro card?

So far I have used ATI Tool but there is Rivatuner and Powerstrip as well.

Ati Tool has some timings I can change and I was also wondering how much that will help improvement.

Stock Speeds
Core: 425MHz
Mem: 430MHz

Max on Air OC
Core: 472MHz
Mem: 520MHz

That puts the speeds right at stock X700 XT speeds. Thats a nice memory Overclock.


  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited July 2005
    I use ati tool and i like it more than powerstrip. I have an x800 XL, and Its nice cause it shows the max that it can be oc'd without getting messed up. use the ati tool
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