Home Search Assistent Removal
As most people who have been affected by the above pest know, it is a persistent devil that keeps respawning and refuses to die.
Your removal instructions were fantastic and my computer is as clean as a whistle. I tried the "Alternative Method" part of the post and not the part
where you had to keep booting in safe mode etc. etc. So basically, I followed all the instructions and rebooted only once.
Again, fantastic job! For such information to be available to all with no cost is just commendable.
Thanks again!!!!
Your removal instructions were fantastic and my computer is as clean as a whistle. I tried the "Alternative Method" part of the post and not the part
where you had to keep booting in safe mode etc. etc. So basically, I followed all the instructions and rebooted only once.
Again, fantastic job! For such information to be available to all with no cost is just commendable.
Thanks again!!!!