QMD wu's offline for a few days to a week.

edited July 2005 in Folding@Home
I don't know if anyone here has been following the big mutiny at the community forums, but the result is that Vijay has pulled the QMD work for a few days. :( That really sucks for P4's with enough ram though. :eek3:

It all started when OC-AMD decided to shut most of his folding fleet down due to problems with the client and the newer wu's that use so much memory and memory bandwidth and Stanford not addressing the matter in a timely way. Then another big producer with the Tech Report jumped on the /quit bandwagon and I can see their point, especially in a corporate environment.

If you want to know more about this I suggest you go read over at the community forums and 2cpu.com's folding forum. It's a good read IMO and OC-AMD brings up some very valid points.

Hopefully Vijay will get the QMD's back online in a couple of days. :)


  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited July 2005
    whatta shame I folded tons of those ...they are really fast.
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited July 2005
    My last one is crunching as we speak. Hope they come back soon.

    Having seen the bandwidth issues firsthand, I'm still hoping against hope that the QMD's will get compiled for use on the Opterons.

    Thanks for the heads-up muddoktor. :thumbsup:
  • edited July 2005
    I just read over at the OCF forum that Vijay posted that the QMD wu's will be coming back online tomorrow, but with a change. Now the minimum ram condiditon to get these will be 1000 MB instead of 500 MB like before. If you want to fold QMD's, you will need to upgrade your ram to a minimum of a gig if you presently have only 512 installed presently.
  • DoctorGeo2008DoctorGeo2008 Flint, MI
    edited July 2005
    Woo hoo!! My last QMD just finished about 2 hours ago. Looks like I'll be back on them in no time.
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited July 2005
    You're right about it being an interesting read, Mudd. Hope they can sort it soon.
    Can't blame him for the action he was forced to take.

    Looks like small point WU's are all the go at the moment.

    Thanks for the Heads Up. :thumbsup:
  • edited July 2005
    One other thing a person can do to get these wu's if you have P4's with only 512 MB ram on most of your rigs, but have at least 1 P4 machine with a gig of ram is to download work on the high ram P4, then transfer it to the P4('s) that only have 512 MB and then let them process the wu. 512 MB will run a QMD on a dedicated rig with no problems, but that will be the only way to get them on it now.
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