No post.
Arghhh, the kids PC has been working on a 600 point WU and has around three hours to go and it has died. When I press the start button the power and HDD lights come on but that's it. No beep and nothing on the screen. After a minute or so the HDD light goes out and that's it. I have checked all the connections and reset the Bios. The red LED on the motherboard is lit and when I press the start button the green one comes on, pressing the reset does nothing. What can I look at next guys?
NF7s, 1.4 Athlon, 1Gb RAM.
NF7s, 1.4 Athlon, 1Gb RAM.
H: .3KHz V: 351.1KHz
Does that mean anything to anybody?
Hmm, might be a good idea to start unplugging components one at a time, however it sounds like it could be the mainboard.
Call me!
That'll be the S-M version of the R.A.C.
I did a google for 'no post' and one of the first listings were to SM.
No beep says, 1. No beep at all - this means your motherboard is dead, either due to a defective or underpowered power supply, poorly seated CPU or RAM, or a dead-on-arrival board.
I do hope it's the PSU. I've a spare so I'll go through it.
It's looking like my 4 month old NF7s has died. I wish I'd kept the reciept!
The video signal out of range would make that the number one suspect. Not saying its not a dead cpu or MB but the video card would be what I would swap out first.
Mr Shorty came round with a selection of spares (what a gent )
We changed the graphics card and got a beep and a display but it still wouldn't boot. The bios just hangs. After trying several other things and elimanating everything we could it looks like the graphics card has gone and taken the motherboard with it. Oh well, at least now I know what bits to get.
Thanks again all.
Sadly, this one is a write off
You wouldn't have a boat with a long range tank loaded with parts too, hmmm??
Sorry to hear about your predicament, Bothered.