All Threads Marked As Read!?

Why is it that if I'm on the site for like 15 minutes, and I open a new Instance of IE, all of the threads get marked as read and I can't, for example, go to the last viewed reply (cause all the "down arrow" buttons are gone) and then have to wade through all of the replies to get to one I haven't yet seen? This seems to be a board specific setting as it doesn't happen on any other site or forum I'm a member of. That said, I really don't care why it happens, but rather, can it be changed?
Just a Bit_h. Sorry!
Just a Bit_h. Sorry!
As soon as you load a page, a 15 minute timer starts. If you don't do anything else within those 15 minutes, the next time a page is loaded, it will consider you to have read everything from the last session.
At my house, it's a big no-no to open up daddy's firefox on his computer, since it will most likely mark all posts as read
This problem will be fixed in vb 3.5, which will be out soon. After we have tested it and customized it for our site, shorty will be rolling it out. vb3.5 uses a database to keep track of read and unread posts instead of cookies. Problem solved.
When VB3.5 is gold, it'l be here
There are times that I start to browse the forums then I get called away. I come back and all the new treads have been marked "Read" so I have to try to see what I missed. Also... I leave for 3 or 4 days and come back... I'd have 100 threads to read. That could take a few hours and I might not have that time all at once. I could read a few, come back, read a few more, come back, read the rest.
Last... I start to read the treads then have to go to work and want to continue reading where I left off...
Right now... all of those things are not easily possible. I REALLY look forward to the new VBulletin.