Need Some UV PSU Sleeving Tips
Dallas TX Member
I'm working on a pc for afriend of mine, and I want to put UV sleeving on all the psu cables. I noticed that most web sites offer the mesh by the foot, in different widths. What widths should I purchase for the mother board power cable and the other cords, so that it will slide over the connectors yet still fit the cables snugly? Also, what should I use to cap off the ends?
...comes with all the mesh for every size of cable and heatshrink wrap for the ends. you wont be able to get stuff to fite over the 20pin connector. your gunna have to order a molex pin remover, or its possible to get them out with a safety pin or needle...however it takes forever to take them out with a needle, i know... :shakehead
and yes, for you safety nuts, i do know how to discharge a power supply
Final product looks really nice:
That's right. Pwned, bitches!
i just use split loom tubing b/c it's much easier and faster. comes in pretty colors too!