Turned off my computer. Turned it back on. It told me it couldn't find the browser.dll. So I turned it off and tried again then I couldn't even get to the start screen, and it told me that it couldnt find lsass.dll. Now it wont do anything. Any suggestions?
1) Failing HD. Windows won't load because it can't read the files it needs on startup. try running the diagnostic from the HD manufacturer.
2) Bad RAM. Run Memtest86.
3) Spyware, Virus, or Trojan. You might want to check out the advice in the SVT Forum for analyzing your system. Since you can't boot at all you may wish to run a virus scan from a floppy or bootable CD. Failing that, you could try putting the HD in another computer as a second drive, boot from the original drive, then scan the suspect drive.
4) Garden-variety corruption of the OS. Try booting from the WinXP CD, go to the Recovery Console, then run this command: chkdsk /r
If you have questions about any of this just yell.