ATI Drivers, new card, x800xl

JonseyJonsey Microsoft Corporation
edited July 2005 in Hardware
Trying to get my x800xl in my new system (A8N-SLI, 4400+) to work properly.

ATI drivers still seem to suck eggs. Omega Drivers don't seem to want to run, in neither case, can I get the control panels working.

Omega lets me have the taskbar, but I'm not sure the settings are doing anything.

I'm really regretting leaving Nvidia. Someone who's got more patience than I do right now, give me some advice, where do I go from here?

::gumble:: ATI is really getting on my nerves right now, much less, their own catalysts that CAME WITH THE CARD detect the card as an x800.

Help. Please.



  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited July 2005
    what problems are you having with ATI's drivers? I find them to be much more hassle-free than ForceWare
  • JonseyJonsey Microsoft Corporation
    edited July 2005
    Nevermind, it was a problem with the direct X install that came with my motherboard. Things look happy now, can I get a mod to lock this down please? : )
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited July 2005
    glad it's all worked out
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