Yahoo Acquires Konfabulator

Hoping to pave a new path to its popular Web site, Yahoo has acquired Konfabulator, a tiny software maker that provides a computer platform for monitoring the weather, stock prices and a wealth of other customized information without opening a Web browser.
The deal, finalized late last week for an undisclosed price, gives Yahoo access to a toolbox of mini-applications, known as widgets, that have built a cult following since Palo Alto-based Konfabulator first introduced them for the Apple Macintosh back in 2002.
Source: Yahoo
The deal, finalized late last week for an undisclosed price, gives Yahoo access to a toolbox of mini-applications, known as widgets, that have built a cult following since Palo Alto-based Konfabulator first introduced them for the Apple Macintosh back in 2002.
Submitted by: Zanthian"To help popularize the widgets, Yahoo plans will give away the Konfabulator software that empowers the applications. Konfabulator had been charging $20 for the software. Anyone who bought version 2.0 of the software since mid-May will be given refunds, said Konfabulator CEO Arlo Rose."
Source: Yahoo