Transfering problems between Sata non raid and Sata raid setup

edited August 2005 in Hardware
Hi i posted earlier and i finished setup of my 160gigx2 western digitals in a raid setup i have those on a seperate SATA controller.. windows found em ok and i started transfering data over from my 120gig western digital SATA.. i got through 20 gigs and now it doesnt seem to want to accept anymore my 120gig keeps disapearing.. i got 420watts of power and i tried disconntecting my DVD/CD drives and it still does it. any ideas?? also i set it my raid at 512k as stripe value is this what i was supposed to do?? thanks!


  • edited July 2005
    i ran a western digital test program and got this:

    Test Option: QUICK TEST
    Model Number: WDC WD1200JD-00GBB0
    Serial Number: WD-WMAES1517778
    Firmware Number: 200.D520
    Drive Type: IDE
    Capacity: 120.03 GB
    SMART Status: FAIL
    Test Result: FAIL
    Test Error Code: 06-Quick Test on drive 2 did not complete! Status code = 04 (Unknown failed test element), Failure Checkpoint = 64 (SMART Attribute Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 2!
    Test Time: 16:16:36, July 31, 2005

  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited July 2005
    no the stripe should of been between 16k and 32k probably. 512k is a terrible choice.
  • edited August 2005
    i switched it to 64k that should be ok right? anyways more important why the hell is my 120gig drive suddenly crapping out?!!?! it says s.m.a.r.t. bad backup and replace everytime i load up! i even took out ALL my new stuff and revereted back to old and its still buggered. what irony would that be if my 120 crapped out right when i bought my 160s?? i can still play stuff off of it.. my files are there but they disapear when i start xfering them? so weird!
  • edited August 2005
    i cant transfer anything off this drive only ONTO the drive or play stuff from the drive.. i turned SMART off for now. should I send it to western digital?
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2005
    And you were wondering WHY IDE/SATA raid-0 is so much more dangerous. I give you exhibit A my friend. gee... fairly recent supposedly good shape ide/sata drive sudenly going tits up. Now thats a real shocker for most of us that do this for a living thats for sure... (long sigh...)

    Smart says your drive is failing. You might check the cable or even replace it. Or test the drive in another computer. But turning SMART off isnt gonna help you. Its having failures or excesive retries due to hardware or communication problems.

  • edited August 2005
    well thats the thing.. the raid setup is working 100% fine. i think i might have damage something on my 120gig non-raid sata drive.. or changed the wrong setting. the sata cable that goes into my 120gig drive busted off the plastic piece covering the metal.. thing is its been like that for 4-5 months and there has been no problem as long as it doesnt fall out. and why wouldnt the drive just not work at all instead of half working? i just got a bunch of important stuff off of it.. abandon ship!
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2005
    Guldaen wrote:
    well thats the thing.. the raid setup is working 100% fine.!

    And so was your other drive LAST week. I have built HUNDREDS of these. I do it for a living. I understand the risks measured against the real world gains just a teeny tiny bit more then you.

  • edited August 2005
    yes but LAST week i never opened my case up and changed everything. like i said my sata cable broke off a piece of the connection. its been working but i must have aggravated it or something. gonna talk to Western Digital about fixing this drive its not that old
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited August 2005

    Yep untill NEXT week. Like you said. Failure follows you around.

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