Upgrade questions
K here is my Current system:
AMD Athlon 2700+
Geforce 6800GT
1 gig RAM
I was thinking of upgrading my MB and processor because it seems like the AMD 64s have dropped a decent amount in Price. Looks like I can get a AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 939 Pin for around $150 or so. What is a good motherboard for this? Also what is the fastest 939 pin AMD 64 (not duel core since I will be staying with an AGP MB). If the 4000+ is the fastest I can get and it's not much more expensive might as well just go with that, know what I mean? The motherboard has to be AGP, I would prefer NForce, since I have had problems with VIA chipsets. I also would like dual channel memory, I like that about the NF7-S. It doesn't have to be a majorly overclockable MB since I don't do that much. I am staying with AGP because I can't afford to upgrage my video card and everything else. Just wondering if this is the way to go...
AMD Athlon 2700+
Geforce 6800GT
1 gig RAM
I was thinking of upgrading my MB and processor because it seems like the AMD 64s have dropped a decent amount in Price. Looks like I can get a AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 939 Pin for around $150 or so. What is a good motherboard for this? Also what is the fastest 939 pin AMD 64 (not duel core since I will be staying with an AGP MB). If the 4000+ is the fastest I can get and it's not much more expensive might as well just go with that, know what I mean? The motherboard has to be AGP, I would prefer NForce, since I have had problems with VIA chipsets. I also would like dual channel memory, I like that about the NF7-S. It doesn't have to be a majorly overclockable MB since I don't do that much. I am staying with AGP because I can't afford to upgrage my video card and everything else. Just wondering if this is the way to go...
Here's more info on it. http://www.anandtech.com/mb/showdoc.aspx?i=2471
I just downgraded from an AMD64 3000+ (2 GHz, 1600HTT w/400MHz RAM clock) to an AXP 2500+ (1.83GHz, 333FSB) and kept my Radeon 9800 in both systems. I noticed absolutley no difference in playing UT2K4 and Guild Wars, both which I could bump up to max settings on either system and it played smoothly, and I saw no difference on HL2DM, which I kept at 1152x864 with AA&AF turned on both systems.
I'd say save your $300 now, and do a full upgrade when the time comes to get a signifcant performance increase.