Error Direct 3d?

tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
edited August 2005 in Hardware
Hey, I formatted my hd yesterday, so today I was going to play halo pc, but then i kept on getting an error message saying "A problem occurred initializing Direct3d. Hardware acceleration maybe disabled, please run DXIAG." I ran DXIAG and it found nothing. I got direct x 9, and still the same error. I didnt have much time to search the problem because im going to sleep soon, but I just want to have an idea of what to do to fix it for when i get home from work tommorow. thanks for any suggestions or ideas.


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2005
    reinstall video drivers and reinstall directx first.
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited August 2005
    I uninstalled my videocard drives(omega), and i also made sure i have the newest dirext x 9, and it did nothing. I uninstalled my omega drivers again, and installed the catalyst drivers(which i think i messed up in the installation), didnt work either. this is starting to piss me off cause i wanna play halo! :confused:
  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited August 2005
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited August 2005
    Gobbles wrote:

    Tried the stuff listed on there and nothing worked. I formatted my hd a few days ago, and since then its been doing that. O well
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