System Build - Opinions?

I've been commissioned to build a computer for someone, and so I started to round up some parts. I was wondering what everyone thinks about the set-up or if anyone knows any better deals I can get. My budget is $500.
Barebones: - $103.00 + $7.99
CPU: - $173.99 + $0.99
RAM: - $83.99 + $3.83
Video Card: - $119.00 + $3.50
HDD's and CDROM drives are already purchased.
Total: $502.49
I've only had experience with Intel processors and I have yet to be dissapointed by them so I'm sticking with them for this build, so don't get all AMD fan boy on me
Yeah, so what does everyone think?
Barebones: - $103.00 + $7.99
CPU: - $173.99 + $0.99
RAM: - $83.99 + $3.83
Video Card: - $119.00 + $3.50
HDD's and CDROM drives are already purchased.
Total: $502.49
I've only had experience with Intel processors and I have yet to be dissapointed by them so I'm sticking with them for this build, so don't get all AMD fan boy on me

Yeah, so what does everyone think?
I doubt many people here have expirence with foxcom products but Newegg seem to be well liked at short-media & we have Newegg representation here too.
anyway, that foxconn barebones thing is something i would avoid. foxconn is a decent brand, but that specific barbones is pretty bad. it only has a 250w psu which won't be enough for everything (espicially with that prescott cpu). also it has a sis chipset which are less than stellar.
give me a few minutes and i will come up with something better in your price range.
antec case w/ 400w atx v2.0 psu - $105
intel p4 520 - r - $175
asus p5rd1-v - $97 (supposse to be dual-core ready for future upgrades)
sapphire x700pro 128mb, 128bit, pcie - $127
1gb corsair value pc3200 - $91
total = $595, but you will be more future-proof than an old agp system, and these are quality components that are worth the little extra.
antec case w/ 400w atx v2.0 psu - $105
sapphire x700pro 128mb, 128bit, pcie - $127
1gb corsair value pc3200 - $91
a64 3000+, s939, venice - r - $146
msi k8n neo4-f - $94
total = $563 for a much, much, much better system.
I already ordered all of it.
It can't be that bad can it?
Just because of some peoples problems doesn't mean it won't work for me, right?
Also, I thought the PSU was ok because it says "TRUE 250w", I believe its max is 350. But I thought that it meant it runs at 250 no problem or something.
I couldn't go over $500, that's the problem. It actually turned out to be $499 exactly because of combined shipping.
Edit: Crap, the picture says "Max.Output Power: 250W", if the power supply doesn't work when i try to turn it on could it damage the system?
Most likely senario: pc powers up and resets its self all the time or powers up for a second and powers down.
You should have went amd since you went with a small psu amds uses much less power and generates much less heat.
Edit: Wow you got a 6600 in there too I would say theres no chance that that psu has enough power.
Edit again:Heres some psus that should have enough power for your system.
ENERMAX EG465P-VE(FC) ATX 460W Power Supply
Fortron Source 450W Power Supply
Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-450 ATX12V 450W Power Supply
P4 Celeron 2.0 GHz
GeForce MX 420
2 CD Drives
1 Floppy
2 LED Case fans
If it does I can give that ones PSU to this new one, it's a 450. (CASE) (MOBO) (Your origional chip) (Origional Vid Card) (Your irigional RAM)
I squeeked this out with shipping from Newegg at 514.77 That 400W PSU should run fine with that prescott and 6600 card as long as theres no OCing involved. The main thing with the prescott is to have really good airflow, which may mean that if you cant keep the idle temp below 50C with the stock fan/HS...seriously think about using aftermarket cooling solutions. Alot of people like to down ASrock MOBO's also, but in the 4 years I've been building systems commercially and for the company I work for, I've never had an ASrock let me down. Their not the best board but they are VERY STABLE for budget machines that arnt going to be trying to knock out a 13000 on 3dmark05
maybe the next computer i make like this will use your build jradmin.
thanks everyone