this may seem like a stupid question...

ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
edited August 2005 in Hardware
... but how is this ATX motherboard supposed to fit in this ATX case if the ports on the motherboard won't fit out the back?
Does the case or the motherboard come with an extra face plate, or is the plate even removable on the case? Why are they both atx if they don't fit! (port wise, not screw wise)


  • OrianeOriane Turn around.
    edited August 2005
    I'll risk a stupid answer and say I think the port holes plate will punch out and you can replace it with one supplied by your mobo maker (see the pictures)-
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited August 2005
    the backplate (I/O plate) on the case is removable. The motherboard will come with one that fits.

    edit: on the motherboard, you can even see in Newegg's pictures that it comes with one.
  • ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
    edited August 2005
    that's why it was a stupid question pilotwings ;D

    i looked through the pictures and seriously thought i didnt see a plate, thanks for spotting that for me
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited August 2005
    its kind of stupid to say "this is a stupid question" when you really don't know the answer, and then after answered and when people are like "thats stupid, duh" (or make you feel dumb by easily answering it) you say "thats why it was a stupid question". Don't be afraid to ask questions here, thats what its for.

    Every question that someone asks is stupid to another person who knows the answer very well.

    You didnt know the answer to this, I did, theres nothing wrong with it.

    Glad to help :thumbsup:
  • OrianeOriane Turn around.
    edited August 2005
    You didnt know the answer to this, I did, theres nothing wrong with it.

    Glad to help :thumbsup:

  • ThatFatCat5ThatFatCat5 Minn-eee-soda
    edited August 2005
    well, it was simply a joke by responding in that way

    I figured the plates were removable but I didn't know if one was included because I hadn't seen one, so I can't feel stupid for something that I merely didn't see and others had seen.
    The only reason I had a doubt to whether or not the current plate in the case was removable or not was because it looks like its once piece of metal, fashioned to not allow the face plate to punch out.

    I never thought there was anything wrong with me not knowing and you knowing, otherwise I wouldn't have posted, but anyway
    thanks for the service of your EYES, lol.

    Thanks Oriane as well.
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited August 2005
    well, it was simply a joke by responding in that way

    I figured the plates were removable but I didn't know if one was included because I hadn't seen one, so I can't feel stupid for something that I merely didn't see and others had seen.
    The only reason I had a doubt to whether or not the current plate in the case was removable or not was because it looks like its once piece of metal, fashioned to not allow the face plate to punch out.

    I never thought there was anything wrong with me not knowing and you knowing, otherwise I wouldn't have posted, but anyway
    thanks for the service of your EYES, lol.

    Thanks Oriane as well.
    ok im sorry too. the plate on the case definitely should be removable
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