Welcome DJStubbs to Team 93!
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
You're officially on the boards! Welcome to our team, and thanks for joining!
I'm assuming I do the same thing I did on this PC to another using the same user name etc. etc. ???
You can get a nifty Folding sig, too. Just go here.
But I'm curious, how fast should I be turning in WU's on two machines?
One is an AMD 4000+ (this one)
the other is an HP with a 3400+
I'm not really sure what proteins they're crunching but I do see the processes running on both machines.
This PC has been running since I installed FAH, the other one has had FAH since about 4 am today.
You've got plenty of firepower going for you, so that won't be a problem.