HELP! can't get new machine to post
any help on this would be appreciated! Just put together a new machine... pcchips motherboard K& 811LU, 1.8 Duro, 256 DDR ram... I think i have some issu with my video card though, because I can't get a signal out... I've tried 2 cards now, a geforce 5500 (8x) and a radeon 7000 (4x). The mobo I think is a 4x/2x, so I can understand the first card not working, but the second one should have worked... When I use the first card, the monitor status light goes solid for 2 seconds, then loses a signal, os the card is doing SOMETHING... the second card doesn't even ellicit any reaction from the monitor. Built this for a coworker since his old computer died, and need to get this together for him today.. Any thoughts/help would be greatly appreciated! All the fans spin up so I know the mobo is getting power, but I just don't get a signal to the monitor so I can set the bios, and install the OS...
thanks in advance for any help! ! !
thanks in advance for any help! ! !
Do you have a PCI video card you could try? That might at least narrow it down to being an AGP problem.
Don't have a pci video card to try... good call though, have to see if I can dig one up. (doesn't support pci express... can't remember the last pci vid. card I've seen at a retail store!)
thanks for the suggestions! Keep 'em comin... maybe something will work =)
Remove the battery for 30 minutes. Do not use the jumper. remove the battery.
replace it.
Plug it back in and try one more time.