NEW ATI Catalyst 5.8 CCC (A Day Early)
Birmingham, UK
DriverHeaven have been allowed to host ATI's newest set of Radeon drivers, the Catalyst 5.8 CCC driver suite, a day before they're officially released by ATI. The CCC stands for Catalyst Control Center, if you want the standalone drivers you'll have to wait till tomorrow.
I'll bring you the usual full Catalyst release summary, release notes and download roundup when ATI officially release the Catalyst 5.8 drivers in full tomorrow.
Download: ATI Catalyst 5.8 CCC (2000/XP) (32.8MB)
I'll bring you the usual full Catalyst release summary, release notes and download roundup when ATI officially release the Catalyst 5.8 drivers in full tomorrow.
Download: ATI Catalyst 5.8 CCC (2000/XP) (32.8MB)
Source: DriverHeavenThanks to the very cool people in they have agreed to let Driverheaven host Catalyst 5.8 CCC before they go live on on Wednesday.