7800s or 6800s?
im gunna most likely be building a new system in the next couple months, with sli. i was wondering if its gunna be worth it to go for sli 7800s or go for 6800s. im not going to be upgrading untill ut2k7 comes out i was just wondering if 6800s would make it till then.
Not really...
I'd agree with you if you were referring to 7800 GTX's in SLI, because then it really is overkill, you don't gain much fps.
See, there your post makes sense, because the one card outperforms two in SLi.
But a constant 100 fps on high settings is quite nice.
I play at 1280 x 1024 and get a solid 75-100 fps.
i'll jump right to the conclusion...
"Here is where everything gets a little hairy. Will you be monitor limited by an upgrade? Many very good flat panels will only display up to 1280x1024 or 1600x1200. Owning one of these panels really negates the necessity for a 7800 GTX right now. From the numbers we have seen, the highest end card we would recommend for owners of a 1600x1200 flat panel (who don't get paid for gaming) is the 7800 GT. We would also recommend finding one for $400 rather than paying full price.
Owners of 1280x1024 panels don't really need to spend the money here as even the 7800 GT will run into walls at this resolution. 6800 GT prices are now dropping to $300 and below. At this price point, owners of older systems who haven't taken the high end plunge and don't want to spend the money on 1600x1200 and up panels would do very well to upgrade to a 6800 GT. Even the venerable 128MB 6800 is available at nearly $200.
We have entered an era where the graphics solution is often limited by the monitor more than anything else at the high end. It is important to pay attention to what is needed for a particular system rather than just grabbing the fastest thing out there. Even with all the bells and whistles, if nothing is going to be done at very high resolutions, current games do not stress the highest end cards enough."
I get less than 100 fps, I never run into walls in BF2.
I don't care what the article says...
I play at 1280 x 1024, and the benchmark proves what I'm saying.
I don't even have most of my settings on high.
I switch between lights on LOW and MEDIUM, because it actually changes gameplay a lot, but to get good fps with my rig those are the settings you need to play at.
I have first hand experience with the card, more than an article, maybe you should check that out.
Just kidding bro, but seriously though the card is not overkill by any means, only the SLi 7800 GTX is overkill without a huge monitor.
But then again there isn't really a benefit for "pro gamers" to using those humongous monitors considering the sluggish response time they come packaged along with.
My viewsonic vx924 has the lowest response time of any monitor on the market (4ms).
/end rant.
Don't take what I said offensively, I didn't mean it that way.
1280 x 1024 doesn't push your 7800gtx...not with AA or AF or any quality settings.
want to really strech it's legs.... try 1600 x 1200 w/ 8xAA 16xAF, it might break a sweat.
How does that prove your point
If I was running into walls, it would mean my fps just sits at 100, never drops a frame, which is not the case.
1280 x 1024, at the settings I posted above, I get 70-100 fps.
If it was constantly at 100 never dropping, then you would be correct.
I really don't get how you're making accusations without first hand experience with the card itself.
I should have waited 6 more months
Well it's the best single GPU on the market (at least the 7800 GTX is).
You should be very happy with it.
good for you, you have the card, and you have a monitor that isn't capable of pushing your card. i am not going to explain myself again. it is really simple. read the article i posted a link to earlier.
anything constant of 60fps+ is hitting the wall. you can't tell the difference between 60fps and 100fps--it is physically impossible for the human eye.
Buddy, you're just digging yourself a deeper hole, stop while you're ahead.
Have you even played BF2....
And also, the specs of the PC they used for their tests and mine aren't identical, so keep that in mind.