bios for reformatting comp

edited August 2005 in Hardware
i want to reformat my comp with the system recovery cd's that came with it. one of my friends said he didnt need the xp cd (i think my comp didnt come with one) and i cant get the right order for the bios. the cd rom is already first but when i reboot, nothing comes up. 1st is this pioneer rewritable thingy. next is this legendary floppy, and after that is the maxtor4g120j6. and the next thing is disabled.

am i suppose to do something in the advanced column or the boot column? because the boot column isnt working.

and sry i didnt know where to put this


  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited August 2005

    Could you please provide a detailed desgription of your hardware. It will help a lot in providing good assistance.
  • edited August 2005
    that means liek specs right?
  • edited August 2005
    i think thats it so.. ill just post the specs

    my bro installed a radeon 9600 around thanksgiving. its a sony vaio pcv-rx770. 2.2 GHz
    1024 megs of ram
    120 gb hard drive
    but i think you probally want something else... sry im kinda new to this
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited August 2005
    Sounds like you should either have the support discs that should have come with your system or a Windows XP CD. You need to have a bootable CD like the Windows CD or the first disc in the recovery set for your system to boot from it.
  • edited August 2005
    yeah i have the recovery disks (i think their the same) i have 2 application recovery disks and 4 system ones. ive tried rebooting it with the application #1 in the comp and it just goes through normally. ive tried looking at the bios and the cd rom was 1st.
    the only thign i didnt try is master1 servant 1 and master 2 and servant 2. are these the things i need to change?
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited August 2005
    mini wrote:
    yeah i have the recovery disks (i think their the same) i have 2 application recovery disks and 4 system ones. ive tried rebooting it with the application #1 in the comp and it just goes through normally. ive tried looking at the bios and the cd rom was 1st.
    the only thign i didnt try is master1 servant 1 and master 2 and servant 2. are these the things i need to change?
    Right before it boots into Windows It does not ask about hitting "Any Key to boot from CD"? Also, the master slave configuration is good and you don't need to mess with it and would need to change jumpers on the drives to do so. Watch the screen when you start up as the boot from CD option will only be there for about 10 seconds.
  • edited August 2005
    yeah it doesnt ask. this time i tried changing the cd thing from pioneer to asus and i put the cd into the g and tried again. still didnt work. is there something i have to do outside of bios? i think i read somewhere that you need to turn off like some startup program?
  • edited August 2005
    finally i figured it out. it went from 1-2 application recovery to 3-2-1 system recovery. i didnt even know that there was a system recovery 1. so it worked out nicely
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