No Power help

edited August 2005 in Hardware
My computer does not start up when I push the power button, only the orange light comes on. My computer was working fine , but I trying to install a tv tuner and then this happened. I checked wires and everything is where it should be and all the cables are plugged in. I was thinking that it could be the memory because when I was putting in the tv tuner I took it out to see what kind it was so I could upgrade. Any suggestions?? Thanks bbgrl20


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2005
    Check that everything is plugged in tight enough. For example, is the tv tuner card pushed all the way in? Is the memory plugged all the way in?

    go backwards and see what caused the problem. Chances are something is not plugged in all the way.
  • edited August 2005
    I've tried that. I have taken it out and made sure all the cards are tight and secure and still nothing. I also checked the cables. I don't know whats going on.
  • edited August 2005
    I took out the Cpu Fan and heat skrink out to clean it out but put everything back the way it supposed to be. The power supply has a test button everything turns on. But when I try to start my computer by pushing the power button nothing starts, there is only a orange light on the power button, and all lights on the mother board turn on.
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