Unable to disable RAID for SATA in BIOS
Ok, I've searched around, but can't seem to find any cure to what ails me. Maybe I didn't look hard enoug, or maybe it's unique. I don't know. Which is why I'm here. 
I'm simply trying to install a Samsung SATA 160gb HDD into my system. I'm using:
K8M800-8237 gigaByte MoBo
AMD 64 3000+
1024mb (1gb) of 3200 RAM
350w Antec PSU
BIOS version (I think): Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG, version F1
Now, basically, I've looked in all the manuals I could online, and googled it, searched these forums, but my problem is that when I go into "Advanced BIOS Features" everything says to set the "(SATA)/SCSI/RAID" to SATA. Well, that option doesn't exist. The only thin I have available is under "Integrated Peripherals" and it's something like 'h/w sata chipset' en/disable.
I've tried updating my bios and RAID (to see if I coul disable it) but I just can't get it. Getting flustered.
I did it on another gigabyte mobo a day or two ago and it was much easier, but that wasn't the same model. it was a p4HT mobo. Any ideas? Please?

I'm simply trying to install a Samsung SATA 160gb HDD into my system. I'm using:
K8M800-8237 gigaByte MoBo
AMD 64 3000+
1024mb (1gb) of 3200 RAM
350w Antec PSU
BIOS version (I think): Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG, version F1
Now, basically, I've looked in all the manuals I could online, and googled it, searched these forums, but my problem is that when I go into "Advanced BIOS Features" everything says to set the "(SATA)/SCSI/RAID" to SATA. Well, that option doesn't exist. The only thin I have available is under "Integrated Peripherals" and it's something like 'h/w sata chipset' en/disable.
I've tried updating my bios and RAID (to see if I coul disable it) but I just can't get it. Getting flustered.
I did it on another gigabyte mobo a day or two ago and it was much easier, but that wasn't the same model. it was a p4HT mobo. Any ideas? Please?
"Turn on your computer and press Del to enter BIOS Setup during POST (Power-On Self Test). If you want
to create RAID, select SATA Mode under the Integrated Peripherals menu (Figure 1) and set this item
to RAID (RAID by default). Set SATA Mode to IDE if you do not want to create RAID."
"Later, select Hard Disk Boot Priority under the Advanced BIOS Features menu. In the Hard Disk
Boot Priority submenu, select the model of the SATA hard drive onto which you intent to install Microsoft
Windows 2000/XP (Figure 2)."
I wonder if that helps at all?
The manual
Thanks though. =)