potential bad mobo?

edited August 2005 in Hardware
Hello, I have a mobo that has on-board vid. When loading totally bare (no cards), I get 1-3-3-1 beep sets. I place a memory stick in, and I get 0 beeps, but no vid. I placed a pci vc in and finally received vid on monitor. However, it is stuck on the dang HP BIOS splash screen. I boot and press a couple of key combinations and I am able to see the POST info, and at the bottom, entering setup. But it never does. Am I dealing with a bad mobo here?

Thank you in advance for any assistance.


  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited August 2005
    have you tried resetting the CMOS?
  • edited August 2005
    have you tried resetting the CMOS?

    Yes, I tried resseting the CMOS, removing the battery and letting it sit for a spell then replacing the battery and trying to restart again all with the same result.

    If I hit the key combinations early enough, I get the POST screen and at the bottom it says Entering Setup. However, it just stays at that screen indefinitely.

    If I am late in hitting the key combination, I get the HP splash screen with Entering Setup in black at the bottom showing indefinitely. If I wait to long though, it will just stick at the HP splash screen.

    Thank you again for any help.
  • PreacherPreacher Potomac, MD Icrontian
    edited August 2005
    Do you disconnect the power cable to the wall when you reset the CMOS?
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