Seagate or Maxtor?
Houston, TX Icrontian
I have always ran maxtor..not sure why, but i have. I've never had one dye on me, the oldest being 8 years old.
Im looking to buy a 250 gig SATA drive and ive narrowed the choices to seagate or maxtor.
Seagate has better Seek times and lower lattency.
All the while
Maxtor has slightly higher seek times and higher latency but a 16mb cache. The seagate only has an 8mb cache.
Lemme know what you think. cause if i get the seagate i wanna catch the sale and get my $5, otherwise im leanin towards the maxtor..simply cause i always have.
Both have NCQ so that is not an issue
Im looking to buy a 250 gig SATA drive and ive narrowed the choices to seagate or maxtor.
Seagate has better Seek times and lower lattency.
All the while
Maxtor has slightly higher seek times and higher latency but a 16mb cache. The seagate only has an 8mb cache.
Lemme know what you think. cause if i get the seagate i wanna catch the sale and get my $5, otherwise im leanin towards the maxtor..simply cause i always have.
Both have NCQ so that is not an issue
They both perform great and are fairly quiet. I'd go the
seagate road just because of the warranty.
do you know what WD's warranty is?
I just ripped this from the WD site @
Depending on the hard drive model the warranty varies:
"WD Protégé EIDE hard drives carry a Standard Warranty Period of one (1) year. WD Caviar, WD Caviar SE, and WD Caviar SE16 hard drives carry a Standard Warranty Period of three (3) years. WD Raptor, WD Caviar RE hard drives carry a Standard Warranty Period of five (5) years. Western Digital Mobile and External Hard Drives carry a Standard Warranty Period of 1 year."
EDIT: I like the new avatar pilotswings, i need to find, or make, a new one pretty soon..
to bad you dont know where i live...i'll just have to search all of oklahoma for the box.
EDIT: completely off topic and doesnt really matter at all. but i put my 6800 GT in my computer only running a 330 watt antec truepower. and i expected it to say its running on low power or something, but it hasnt said a peep. but i havent really gave it an exercise yet..the hardest thing its had so far is arx fatalis which came with it. heh heh such a cheapo.
Oklahoma? DUUUUDE! Your profile says your in Colorado and I just found your drive under the pillow!
Love Ya Man!
i also own a seagate, it was a 1st generation SATA drive when they first hit the market, its alot louder than my new maxtors, but thats like 2 years difference so its not very fair.
However, I've heard that 16 meg cache, since memory is so cheap, does almost nothing for performance, and is more of a marketing/selling point. Don't base it on that.
(In my opinion this is like as asking asus or pc chips)
no way! i just googled airbornflight and the first match was your name, address, ss#, location of where you keep your money, and the times that you're not home! I guess I'll just buy another one and ship it to the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce.
Maxtor had alot of bad reviews-- BUT-- If you have had good luck with a certian brand maybe you should stick with them.
Can someone PLEASE fix the spelling of "Maxtor" in the title. It's killing me.
I agree wtih the majority that Maxtor does not have the best track record, have never returned a WD or a Seagate right out of the box, but have had to RMA DOA Maxtors and Samsungs.
At least the grammar and punctuation were correct...
I dont know thinkin seagate..because of all the good reviews, but I've always used maxtor's. so here is what im gonna do. I'm gonna flip a coin and if its heads its gonna be seagate, if its tails its gonna be maxtor.
AND THE VERDICT IS..........MAXTOR!!!! (should I flip again)
I have something against Asus. All my boards seem to die.
Anyway I would go with Seagate.