Bios/chip problem. Any help?
I'm new here. This is my first post 
OK, here the problem:
I have an Acer Aspire 1703SC portable computer (Desktop replacement laptop) that I bought a week ago second hand at a really damn good price. Aftre doing a reformat and installing drivers etc etc, I decided the BIOS was out of date (and it was) and that I would update the BIOS to the most current version. I bought the laptop in Australia btw (I live here). So anyway, off to the acer website I went to get the latest verison of the BIOS. On the Australian Acer page, the most recent BIOS update they have is version # 3B42. On the American page, they have 3C14. Assuming 3C14 was the later(newer) version, I downloaded it. I then flashed my BIOS using WinPhlash. After a "successful" flash, the laptop restarted. Upon restart, it didn't POST. Why? I have no idea. Can anyone help out? Since then, It hasn't been able to POST and I'm left with a dead laptop.
A few things I should note here is that this isn't the first BIOS flash I've done although it IS the first Laptop flash I've performed. Also worthy of note is that I've had a look at the BIOS chip itself on the board. It's an SST (49LF040), 32pin (7x9 pins) PLCC non-socket chip (physically soldered onto the board directly, no base). The motherboard part# is MB.A0806.001 (made by Acer). The original BIOS on the chip was PhoenixBIOS Bios version# A3A76.
I've since looked into replacing the chip with a new, pre-programmed chip although this is where I need help. I've found someone in my area that can unsolder the current chip on the MB and replace it with a socketed PLCC and I've even found where I can buy the appropriate base (socket), what I don't know is if any generic 32pin PLCC chip will be sufficient (given it is of the same capacity as the original chip that is currently on the MB with the wrong BIOS on it). Can I just use any 32pin EEPROM or do I need exactly the same one as the one currenty on the board? (I suspect Tmod may be able to answer this for me).
If someone can help me out, but could use some more information, let me know. Any and all help is greatly appreciated

OK, here the problem:
I have an Acer Aspire 1703SC portable computer (Desktop replacement laptop) that I bought a week ago second hand at a really damn good price. Aftre doing a reformat and installing drivers etc etc, I decided the BIOS was out of date (and it was) and that I would update the BIOS to the most current version. I bought the laptop in Australia btw (I live here). So anyway, off to the acer website I went to get the latest verison of the BIOS. On the Australian Acer page, the most recent BIOS update they have is version # 3B42. On the American page, they have 3C14. Assuming 3C14 was the later(newer) version, I downloaded it. I then flashed my BIOS using WinPhlash. After a "successful" flash, the laptop restarted. Upon restart, it didn't POST. Why? I have no idea. Can anyone help out? Since then, It hasn't been able to POST and I'm left with a dead laptop.
A few things I should note here is that this isn't the first BIOS flash I've done although it IS the first Laptop flash I've performed. Also worthy of note is that I've had a look at the BIOS chip itself on the board. It's an SST (49LF040), 32pin (7x9 pins) PLCC non-socket chip (physically soldered onto the board directly, no base). The motherboard part# is MB.A0806.001 (made by Acer). The original BIOS on the chip was PhoenixBIOS Bios version# A3A76.
I've since looked into replacing the chip with a new, pre-programmed chip although this is where I need help. I've found someone in my area that can unsolder the current chip on the MB and replace it with a socketed PLCC and I've even found where I can buy the appropriate base (socket), what I don't know is if any generic 32pin PLCC chip will be sufficient (given it is of the same capacity as the original chip that is currently on the MB with the wrong BIOS on it). Can I just use any 32pin EEPROM or do I need exactly the same one as the one currenty on the board? (I suspect Tmod may be able to answer this for me).
If someone can help me out, but could use some more information, let me know. Any and all help is greatly appreciated