Arghhh...One Prob after Another (SNAFU)

all im cruisin along getting my halfway new pc all set up and the loose ends tied up, so I open DVD X Rescue, and it shows the drive with a red x next to it, look in the help file, and it means that media isnt supported, so i think..ahh put a dvd+r disc in their. i go to push the eject button and the light comes on, but nothing happens...this must be a glitch...try again...light flash. check. tray go.
So my computer freezes and so does dvd x rescue. so i restart.. now the 3540 doesnt show up in my cmoputer...starting to get worried. restart. shows up, thank god...push eject tray...maybe somethings jammed...find paperclip....emergency eject...oh....stupid audio cd sent compliments of pontiac...copy protected thanks to avoid this, hold shift while the disc would normally autorun..easy enough, thats just a side note and after that, you are free to rip tracks and burn copys. So i take the disc out and try to shut the tray via button...nope...manually shut tray.. try button again...uh-uh. in my computer button still doesnt work, drive is unresponsive....
When i emerg. eject the tray, the light will come on, when i push it shut, the light will come one, when i push the button the light will come is doing a fine job as an led flasher and looking pretty.
bios detects the drive, and windows detects the drive.
If i go to my computer, right click, eject, i get the same 3 sec flash of green light.....why me.....whats wrong with the thing?
So my computer freezes and so does dvd x rescue. so i restart.. now the 3540 doesnt show up in my cmoputer...starting to get worried. restart. shows up, thank god...push eject tray...maybe somethings jammed...find paperclip....emergency eject...oh....stupid audio cd sent compliments of pontiac...copy protected thanks to avoid this, hold shift while the disc would normally autorun..easy enough, thats just a side note and after that, you are free to rip tracks and burn copys. So i take the disc out and try to shut the tray via button...nope...manually shut tray.. try button again...uh-uh. in my computer button still doesnt work, drive is unresponsive....
When i emerg. eject the tray, the light will come on, when i push it shut, the light will come one, when i push the button the light will come is doing a fine job as an led flasher and looking pretty.
bios detects the drive, and windows detects the drive.
If i go to my computer, right click, eject, i get the same 3 sec flash of green light.....why me.....whats wrong with the thing?

try a firmware upgrade. then try quality dvd+r media.
maybe you should do more research on how to use your nec-3540 before you blame newegg.
Good luck.
i have the same drive and it works perfectly for me...
maybe it' s your "copy" of DVD X Rescue or maybe it is cheap blank dvd+r media.
Got an RMA approval with no restocking and up to $6 for reimbersment on shipping. i think i can do that. Said they'd ship it back to me fed-ex saver. Prob take a couple weeks to get the drive back though. thank god I got most of my software installed before it decided to quit on me.