Can't delete anything?!

edited September 2005 in Hardware
I have 2 hard drives, a (C:/) with all my system files on it, and a 400gig, RAID (F:/) drive. For some reason, I cant delete anything on the F:/ drive. If I create a new folder, a shortcut, anything, and then try to delete it, it says

Cannot delete _______ -: Cannot find the specified path.
Make sure you specify the correct path.

It seems like the file is in use or something like, but I cant figure it out.

Anyone have any advice or tests I can run to figure out what this is?



  • edited September 2005
    Can anyone help me with this?

    If a moderator would like to move this, they may. I understand it's not necessarily an emergency, I just didn't think it was a 'hardware' issue.

    Anyone have any advice though? I'm running out of hard drive, and when I can't delete, I'm worried about it filling up.

  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    you said a 400 gig raid. so im assumming that this is 200 gb x 2 ??, the thing that threw me was you said RAID, but earlier you said, you only have to hard drives. a raid is multiple drives linked together either to mirror each other or the drives are striped. mirrored, as you can infer, is that one drive mirrors the other, and stripping is making two drives into one virtual drive so to speak.

    If you just have one 400 gig hard drive, it is not a raid, and I dont know how you set up a raid with it, or if you have just got your data wrong, i dont know.

    as for your problem. If it cant find the specified path..then I would believe that the file is not there for windows to delete. but maybe something has gone a-ry in the file system.

    I havent ever had any trouble with this sorta thing, so this is really food for thought to get your gears turning sinec you know your system better than anyone else (hopefully),

    I'm sure someone else has had some experiece in this sorta thing.
  • edited September 2005
    80, 200.

    Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you. The RAID setup is actually 280 gigs, a 200, and an 80. I forgot, I returned one of the 200's awhile ago, so it's just 280 gig.

    I'm not sure what to do. You think resetting the BIOS would do anything?

    I tried doing an 'error check' on the hard drive using the basic windows check, but as soon as I did, I got an 'explorer' error and it freezes up.

    Any suggestions?

  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    ok. I'm gonna ask you if when you took one of the 200 gig drives off and repplaced it with a 80 gig unit, did you reformat and reinstall windows and set the raid up again? because if you didnt, then that could be the problem. because windows of the bios may still think that you have a 200+200 striped raid, instead of a 200+80 stripped raid. I also thought that for a raid the drives needed to be the same size, but maybe that is only for mirroring.

    Other than that. I'm thinking a reinstall may solve alot of your problems, if not a repair installation.

    Cause its really sounding like the file system is messed up to me. After all, I had the file system in my hp get corrupted, It was givving me all sorts of errors about could not find file proxy and others when i tried to do certain things when i right clicked. this could have been the registry, but i live by the reinstall once a year policy anyway.
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