DIMES problem...

TroganTrogan London, UK
edited September 2005 in Folding@Home
OK, Dimes wasn't working on my laptop for some reason. Rebooted the laptop a few times just to check but still nothing. So, I decided to uninstall and reinstall.

I opened the Agent and choose the "Yes. I once had a DIMES Agent on this computer" option and typed my Username & Password on the following screen. The Agent then says "Getting agent list for Trogan_1000" but it stays on that same screen with the green bar moving right to left, not doing anything else and thats the problem

I've tried to install DIMES a dozen times now but it doesn't move from the "Getting agent list for Trogan_1000" screen. Anyone got any suggestion please?



  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited September 2005
    I hate when this happens!

    I just tried to install DIMES-again-and it worked. As you guys say, w00t :D

    Short-Media makes things work :D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited September 2005
    maybe they were having server problems :-/

    glad its working again! :)
  • TroganTrogan London, UK
    edited September 2005
    Thanks prime, I'm glad its working too :)
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