Google to offer Blog Search
Ars Technica gives an intro and short commentary on Google's Blog Search tool, which is now in Beta testing.
Source: Ars TechnicaOverall, Blog Search is a nice addition to the Google Beta line of services, but why? Why Google Blog Search? Is it a means by which "real searching" can be restored, separating the worthless personal blogs from the relevant sites? Probably not. What is a worthless blog and what is a relevant site? Or is Google panning for gold in a river of random thoughts? The gold would be data on trends, on what people are and will be interested in. The ability to predict consumer buying habits is the holy grail of advertising and of inestimable worth. That would be cool, scary, but cool. Only Google knows the ulitmate goal, if any, of Blog Search. However, if it wasn't already clear, anonymity does not exist for bloggers. Blog Search makes it even easier for friends, family, employers, and stalkers, to find out everything about a person that they see fit—or are stupid enough—to publish.