X1800 First benchmarks!

Well if you were waiting to see what ATI had with its new R520 core, to decide NVIDIA or ATI... Well here is your answer....
NVIDIA "I will always say Nvidia as I think they are better anyways" so call me bias if you want!
Read The Write Up and Benchmarks here!
NVIDIA "I will always say Nvidia as I think they are better anyways" so call me bias if you want!
Read The Write Up and Benchmarks here!
Anything from the "Inquirer" isn't true, it is rumored info across the board, I think I might have read 1 thing that came true form what they said.
I know people are eager to see the results, but I don't see how this type of comparison is a good 'first-look', nor do I think it is really fair. I do sense a fair bit of bias in the article.
I'll wait for some more reputable write-ups.
What Garbage! Those guys are total asses.
HA, HA, HA --- you have got to be kidding, right?
they are notorious for pushing their agenda. happens to many hardware review sites. if they don't report positively on certain hardware, the hardware companies stop sending them stuff to be reviewed. very few sites will give you the real lowdown on products.
anyway, this article at HA is brimming with ATI bashing. I mean look at the 1st page---their minds have been made up already. Not to mention that they didn't even physically have the hardware in front of them...
HA is crap.
until you actually have the card in hand to bench in identical systems then its pointless posting a review.
The R580 series due this winter should be more compelling with 16-32 pipelines available.
what a whiny b*tch Sander Sassen is.....he didn't get invited to an ati party so he purposely fabricated a poor review of ati's new hardware to try and hurt their bottom line. that is pathetic. :shakehead
In addition to the above post by ryko, nuff said.
now that is even funnier
Ati them selves said there wrong.
and i really don't care about the true/false benchies, i care about HA's and SS's lack of professionalism. i care that HA and SS are untrustworthy and that they have released something as fact which cannot be proven at this time.
by jumping the gun, HA gets a ton of hits from interested readers and more traffic for their site. they didn't even have the hardware in front of them! this is shady business practice at it's worst. and this is not the first time HA has done something questionable. why don't i write a review for SM about a quad-core dual opteron setup that i don't have sitting in front of me---it's ok i'll just guess and people will believe me!
and NO i will not stop slandering SS. he is a joke...if i remeber correctly he was the one who was extolling the virtues of RAMBUS back in the day, and we all know how well that turned out....