Welcome ChuckNorris to Team 93!
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Wow! I can't say I'm a huge fan of your work, but it's nice to have a "star" folding for us
Welcome aboard, and thanks for joining!
Welcome aboard, and thanks for joining!
Since you're folding, I can! Welcome!
edit (adding pic):
*couldn't do a spinning back-kick for us???
LOL ill find the link, (i tried to find it before but i couldnt), anyway he did sometihng with MTV. I have no clue why, but it was kinda scary....
edit- ok i remember it was with the realworld like 2 years-ish ago. it was one of those stupid "marathon" mission things and he was their trainer or something wierd and scary. pathetic, but i used to watch the real world all the time.