U.S. Deploys Orbital Communications Jammer
At the core of forgotten
The Washington Times is reporting on an electronic-warfare unit the U.S. Air Force has recently deployed that is capable of jamming enemy satelites.
According to General Lance Lord of the Colorado-based Air Force Space Command Center, the top priorities of the space command are monitoring space and knowing the threats. Two other missions are defending satellites and conducting offensive operations against enemy spacecraft or ground signals that threaten U.S. satellites.
According to General Lance Lord of the Colorado-based Air Force Space Command Center, the top priorities of the space command are monitoring space and knowing the threats. Two other missions are defending satellites and conducting offensive operations against enemy spacecraft or ground signals that threaten U.S. satellites.
Source: The Washington Times"You can't go to war and win without space," said Gen. Lance Lord, the four-star general in charge of the Colorado-based Air Force Space Command.
Seriously, though, I thought that the US was in treaties with Russia (and maybe others) to ban space-based weapons systems?
We withdrew from these treaties because we( & England) were the only ones that were living up to the treaties in the first place. China & Russia wouldn't let unfettered inspection access to their facilities.