PC wont boot with new burner

edited September 2005 in Hardware
I have a old CD rom drive in my computer so i up graded it to a Benq DW1620
DVD-R/RW. I pulled the old cd rom out of the slot and hooked the new one up just how the old one was hooked up, started my computer and it would not boot it just stayed in the compaq screen. So I shut it down put my old drive back in and it booted fine. What did I do wrong?


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited September 2005
    Did you set the jumpers on the drive or just plug it in? Is it on the same cable as your hard drive? It needs to be set to cable select or master and be on the end of ITS OWN cable. It sounds like its on the same cable as the hard drive and they are jumpered the same but thats a guess with very little info from you at this point.

  • edited September 2005
    Yes you are right. I surfed the net and found that Benq burners are set at slave from the factory. I changed the jumper to master and everything works fine.
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