Vista Graphics Drivers Will Be More Stable than XP's
Centreville, VA
ATI's new Xpress 200 integrated graphics processor (IGP) is the first to claim its solution to be 'Vista Ready,' the phrase you can look for to make sure your card will be able to run Vista. This does not mean that your video card will be able to run all the 3D graphics in Vista though.
Source: TomsHardwareBen Bar-Haim, vice president of ATI's software division, told us consumers will be able to identify graphics cards supporting Vista by way of a "Vista ready" logo, which will likely appear in multiple flavors indicating different feature levels. The release of Microsoft's new operating system may still be at least one year out, but hardware manufacturers, including ATI, are already gearing up for yet another certification and logo round: "Vista ready" will be the catch-phrase promoting hardware products as a safe investment.
onboard RAM?
As in video?
DJ, my understanding is that Vista will use the 3D capabilities of your card to draw the basic "windows and desktop", etc. It would use the same capabilities it does for games now and will deploy DirectX 10. This months' Maximum PC has a preview of some basics.