sound max

edited September 2005 in Hardware
hi everybody
I uninstalled soma drivers from my computer cause I thought they cause problems with other programs but now I can't hear music on my computer.
I think I'm missing something called "sound max" and I don't know where to find it or how to download it.
Can somebody explain to me how to get my computer to play music again?


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    What sound card do you have. If it is onboard sound, what brand and model # is your motherboard?
  • zero-counterzero-counter Linux Lubber San Antonio Member
    edited September 2005
    The SoundMax drivers are usually onboard based. Like profdlp asked, what is the mobo model? What you could try, is to force windows to search for hardware changes after a reboot within the device manager. If the drivers are windows native, it should find them...otherwise it will ask you for the location of the drivers which may be within one of the provided paths it gives to choose from.
  • edited September 2005
    thank you so much for your reply but I'm not very familiar with the terms you used like "motherboard" or "device manager". I'm also not sure how to find out what kind of a sound card I have.
    If you have the patience to give me some more detailed directions how to find out theses things or who to "force windows to search for hardware changes after a reboot within the device manager", I'd aprecciate it much.
    thank you,
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited September 2005
    Go here and download the (free) Belarc Advisor. When you run the program it will tell you everything you need to know. Post the info we need here and we'll see what we can dig up for you. :)
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