Will all AGP 8x cards downgrade to 4x?
I have an old AGP 4x mobo and I want to upgrade my graphics card. One place is telling me all 8x cards are backwards compatible, but another is telling me I have to look specifically for the cards that say "8x/4x" on the box.
So what should I get, a decent 8x card, or the best 8x/4x card I can find?
So what should I get, a decent 8x card, or the best 8x/4x card I can find?
So our two options were GeForce 6600 for $150 (8x), and a GeForce (FX, I think) 5500 (8x/4x) for $70. (We're not going to spend $300 on a graphics card...)
Before we decided to get either one, I wanted to know whether or not the 6600 would work. I just want the game to work, but, you know, being able to turn on smoothing & stuff would be nice too.
So what I'm hearing is that in theory, it should be backwards compatible, but my mobo may not recognize it, and the 6600 therefore is a risk.
Yeah, I asked the sales guy to see the box so I could check the specs, and one guy said "Yeah, it'll work" and another guy said "No, it won't work unless it says 8x/4x on the box." Since the store was closing, I was never able to see the box.
Maybe NVIDIA's site has something about this.
AGP Compatability
Will my AGP 8x card work in my 4x slot <--Google Cache version
Will an 8x AGP video card work in a 4x slot?
> Answer
> No, not unless it specifically says that it has 4X compatability. 4X runs at
> 1.07-Gbps and 8X runs at 2.1-GBps so your motherboard will not
> recognize your Graphics card.
(There's a lot more discussion on that last link than that simplistic answer)
"Every single video card I could find which claimed to be an AGP 3.0 card was actually a universal 1.5V AGP 3.0 card. And every motherboard which claimed to be an AGP 3.0 motherboard turned out to be a universal 1.5V AGP 3.0 motherboard. It makes sense, if your think about it, because if anyone actually shipped a consumer-oriented product which supported only 0.8 volts, they would end up with lots of confused customers and a support nightmare. In the consumer market, you'd have to be crazy to ship a 0.8 volt only product."
I have a:
VIA KT333 (VT8367)
Universal AGP Motherboard (but some implementations are AGP 1.5V Motherboard)
The card I'm looking at is:
NVIDIA GeForce 6600
Universal 1.5V AGP 3.0 Card
And according to a chart on the page that combination should work. "Works at 1.5V"