Overclocking 3200+

edited September 2005 in Hardware
Ok I know 2.2 is fine for my gaming needs, but I'd love to squeeze a little more from this CPU. I have the MSI K8N Neo Platnium and would like to maybe get my CPU up to 2.5ghz.


  • JChretienJChretien Vancouver, BC, Canada
    edited September 2005
    OK. What has worked for me so far is to drop the DDR speed to 333, then raise the HTT to whatever is stable for you. For 2.5ghz, that'd be... 250mhz. But a warning. Make sure you have adequate cooling before you try this. I've had a venice core 3200+ hit 2.5ghz with an XP-120@ 41C full load.
  • edited September 2005
    its the new castle 754, i only need 230.
  • JChretienJChretien Vancouver, BC, Canada
    edited September 2005
    oh. Should be around the same process though. I've never O/Ced a 754...
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