Looking for a case

ishiiiishiii Cold lake, AB, CA
edited October 2005 in Hardware
Hey guys;

Been a long time, i still drop by from time to time to see whats happening and do a little reading.

I need to find a new case. I cant remeber what web page had a good search function on there cases. Iv done allot of looking and havent found what I want.
So here goes, and input weould be greatly appreciated, im looking for a case with 3X1200mm fan. if it has a few 80mm fans thats ok. But i want 3X120mm, and i dont want a door on it.

I really like this case but it has only 80mm fans in it http://www.memoryexpress.com/index.php?PageTag=&page=file&memx_menu=EmbedProductDetail.php&DisplayProductID=2170&SID=37157

Thanks allot guys, iv been hiding in WoW
55 human warlock firedragon thunderlord
58 undead rogue sbdeadly arthas


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