Aliant High Speed(Normal) & SMC7004vbr Router Troubles
Ok, I have been trying to figure out the problem myself for sometime now. I've checked and tried everything my little knowledge packed noggin can think up So now i've come here seeking the help of many Anyway, to the problem at hand. I've had Aliant High Speed(AHS) for sometime now and it has always been running through my SMC7004vbr router. It ran at sweet speeds on both PC's that were connected to it for a long time, but for the past couple of months it went from sweet to barely usable on both I've tried just about everything you can think of to get it running at decent speeds again, but nothing made a big difference. When only one PC is hooked up to the router it is still slow, so it's not a case of split bandwidth but when I take the router off and hook the one PC up direct to the modem and use the Aliant software to connect, the speed goes back to the way it was when i first got AHS So i'm pretty sure it's the router at this point, but i can't figure out what is wrong with the thats why i'm here any help would make you a god in my eyes