annoying refresh rate problem
Whenever I reboot my computer, XP will be running at 60Hz, even though it still says it's running at 75Hz. I have to go in and change it to 85Hz, or to 75Hz, depending on which way I'd set it last. Why would the card be running at 60Hz every time I reboot? And yes I'm sure, 60Hz looks like I'm staring at one of those lights that flies and mosquitos fly to and get zapped to death.
Wehn did you last update video drivers?
It sounds like you rdriver is 'broken'.
Are you using any non-standard video tools?
I've noticed this happening for a few months, I'm running 5.8 catalysts, going to go to 5.9s today, just haven't downloaded it yet.
everything else works fine, games run in 3d with expected performance, and this has been happening for a while, with a bunch of different drivers.
No. I used the Omega version a long time ago, but have been using ATI's driver for as long as I can remember.