Record Labels Aim at Satellite Radio
The record labels have shifted their aim toward Satellite Radio providers, for allowing their customers the use of portable listening devices which also provide a recording capability.
Source: Reuters
Is the recording industry protecting its rights, or just plain getting greedy?Even if the conflict winds up in court, Crockett said in his report he did not believe such a suit would succeed because so-called 'fair use' laws allow users to record songs for their own use.
He said it could would pose a "headline risk" for satellite radio and prompt a lobbying push by the recording industry as the two industries wrangle over a new music rights contract.
Crockett said the RIAA may seek $1 billion plus in music rights fees for a new contract covering 2007 to 2012 to replace the current $80 million pact that expires in 2006.
Source: Reuters
They are making some huge mistakes