Game Concole Processor

edited October 2005 in Folding@Home
I recently got another idea on a cool folding machine, not sure how well it'll work, if at all. I'm thinking that if I can get a cheap XBox and pick up another dump computer I can replace its processor with that of a gaming system. Since XBox runs on a 733MHz processor it wouldn't be too bad I don't think if I run Linux on the box and have all the CPU dedicated to Folding (as they are for games with the system).

One of my friends is into programming and he is currently working on a piece of software to dedicate all the CPU to a specific program. Is there any software that is currently available for free download that will do this, in case I get the parts before my friend is done? Also, if I dedicate the whole processor to folding, approximately what speed would it turn out to be? Would I be able to get the full 733MHz or not?


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited October 2005
    As a proof-of-concept project it would be quite interesting, but if all you want to do is add some Folding power there are easier ways to do it. You could probably eBay a more powerful CPU for peanuts and avoid a lot of hassle. :)
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