Toshiba Tecra A2 - Can't get past XP welcome screen

edited October 2005 in Hardware
Hi We obtained and unfortunately activated a virus a couple of days ago. It appears to be a W32.MyTob variant, I think it is one of the latest ones identified by symantec (KB variant - identified 6 October?).

I followed symantec's insturctions as their description seemed to be very similar to our problem. This involved editing the registry keys.

Now the computer (Toshiba Tecra A2 Notebook) boots to the welcome screen and then when you click on one of the profiles gets as far as the background image before logging off.

I guess I'm after two bits of information...
1) Can I get past the welcome screen easily and restore the registry back-up I made. I've tried all the options under Safe Mode and always finish at the welcome screen.

2) Does anyone know about the Toshiba HDD Recovery program. Can I run this without formatting my hard drive. I have both the partitioned recovery HDD on the Hard drive and also Recovery disks that i created soon after purchasing the computer. The manual is less than clear about which options wipe your data and which don't.

Thanks for your time



  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited October 2005

    Understand that I'm responding so your post does not go unanswered. I think there is no one with a Tecra here or had to do a recover on one. I have a Toshiba Satellite about 3 years old and I know that the recovery disc I have has two options- 1. Recovery and 2. Install to factory. Honestly, even if yours is the same, I am still hesitant to advise you and would recommend that you contact Toshiba directly about what exactly it does (hopefully a Repair install- at least that is what the Recovery on mine does).

    Laptop models are like people- each is pretty different. Get in touch with someone who knows yours or hopefully someone who does will chime in (but I don't see anyone who might after a search).

    You might also try the SVT forum as they handle virus problems.

    Hope you get it figured out soon-
  • edited October 2005
    I appreciate that you took the time to respond. Thanks a lot for that.
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