SCSI question
I found a pair of Seagate Cheetah 10k.7 18GB drives for very cheap and was wondering how much they go for as I couldnt find them anywhere else. Also I was wondering if two of these drives would be a better choice than the WD Raptor? I've been told that performance on a SCSI drive can vary depending how you set it up?

A lot of older 10K RPM SCSI drives actually perform worse than today's 7200rpm drives, and you'll need to get the newer revision drives for it to be worth while. I have owned some Maxtor Atlas 10KIV drives that were very fast compared to my raptors (about 25% better STR), but they got very hot, and needed some active cooling for reliable operation. I've also owned a pair of Maxtor Atlas 10KII's which perform worse than just about any modern 7200rpm IDE/SATA drive, and were noisy and also got very hot.
How much were they offering the Seagate drives for?
Thats a pretty decent price for those drives, even if they are older 10k models. Do you have a SCSI controller/cables? If not, they will likely set you back another $50 for a decent card.
The XP patchs are from microsoft. Its their own diskcache utility that fixs the speed probs.... And thats really weird as I have owned over a dozen Atlas 10k IV's (still own four) and they were all 100 percent reliable with no additional cooling. Those are not considered warm or noisy drives.
Oh cool, I remember I had used some 3rd party patch that did the trick for me. IIRC, MS did not release anything to address it at that time, or I couldn't download it for some reason.
Never had any reliability issues with the 10KIV's either, they were very quiet drives. I did find that they got hot though. The 10KII's I owned were another story, very noisy drives IMO..