Post your Everest Latency Benchmarks Here!

lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
edited October 2005 in Hardware
You can download Everest 'Home Edition' here..

Just click Benchmarks, Memory Latency and then the 'Refresh' button on the top bar.


  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited October 2005
    First off, the message on Everest that is displayed while its running the test says that different versions shouldn't be compared: untitled0vc.jpg

    Aside from that, here's my score on version 2.02.391 Beta. And yeah.. my RAM is crappy :p
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited October 2005
    First off, the message on Everest that is displayed while its running the test says that different versions shouldn't be compared:

    Thanks for pointing that out Pilotwings, I used 2.20.405.
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited October 2005
    ok I just upgraded to that same version and got identical results :thumbsup:
  • macdude425macdude425 Mr. Roger's Neighborhood
    edited October 2005
    From my dad's crappy little Sempron machine:
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